It is regulations at state level, board practice and standards and organizational/government policies that play an important part in shaping the healthcare system, kind of care received, quality of care, patient safety as well as costs the patients and their families or population pay. Through various sources of literature, we can obtain global knowledge which will help us examine how the policies that affect nursing scope of practice, and design strategies for making the needed adjustments to healthcare challenges among the patients, families or population. State nursing practice standards designed by the regulatory agency function as a delineator of nursing practice and a guideline for safe and quality nursing care delivery as per the principle detailed by the American Nurses Association (ANA) (2020). NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 2 Assessing The Problem Quality Safety And Cost Considerations: This standardized framework highlights the necessary competencies, accountability, and ethical values that regulate nursing practice. It helps nurses to deliver quality care in full accordance with professional guidelines and legal requirements. On the other hand, the state board will decide the scope of advanced practice nursing roles, such as nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specials, which determines their authority in terms of prescribing medicines, ordering diagnostic tests and comprehensive care to patients having chronic conditions like diabetes mellitus.
Policies combined with norms and governmental norms determine the nursing practice by setting standards of healthcare delivery, types of services provided, and quality improvement initiatives (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2020). Healthcare organizations create the rules of the game and determine key aspects of the clinical practice and staffing ratios as a means to foster provision of standardized and safe care delivery continuously across all care settings. Consider diabetes management as an example. Hospitals may consequentially implement evidence-based protocols, as insulin administration guidelines and glycemic control protocols. These latter mentioned measures were specifically designed to make the practices more standardized and consequentially improve patient safety.
The defense of the quality of care as well as patients, families, and healthcare systems finances needs as well as accompanying patient safety improvement can be achieved through several strategies basing on the present literature. Whilst the utilization of care coordination and interdisciplinary collaboration, at team multidisciplinary and transferred communications channels, are more efficient the treatment results and reduce care breaks (Coleman et al., 2019). Patient education, in conjunction with self-management support, suggests that patients should be equipped with evidence-based guidelines as well as hi-tech tools that enable them to play the leading role in their condition management, thus reducing complications and hospital visits (Gary et al., 2020). Delivering care through telehealth and monitoring at home, that include virtual consultations and home-based monitoring devices, enlarge the range of care on time and manage them properly while decreasing the costs of trips and annoyance (Ramirez et al., 2021). Value-based care models and payment reforms including but not limited to accountable care organizations and bundled payments utilize incentives to providers to offer top-notch care, institute preventive services and reduce excessive utilizes.
The implementation of continuous quality improvement initiatives, such as PDSA cycles, is a tool to promote culture of innovation and excellence in care delivery. The impact is more care improvement getting to the higher level of patient outcomes and operations efficiency. Storing the classroom hours of working in collaboration on these initiatives in the Case Western Volunteer Experience Form provokes a touchable measure of work in real life and then, as a result, interventions could become informed and guided by it. By combining the acquired data with benchmark data, policymakers and healthcare managers will be able to evaluate the utility of such strategies and then make informed future policy decisions to fine-tune medical delivery and optimize resource allocation.
Finally, it can be derived that the apprehension of the noted problem from angles of quality, safety, and cost has brought some critical clarifications regarding the complexity of its effects on families, patients, and the whole healthcare system. By putting forward examples and by summarizing the most recent research documents, we have arrived at a b